Sick notes
Request for a sick note (online)
Use our online sick note tool to request for a sick note. Complete all sections include reason for sick note, dates you require it to start. Sick notes cannot be given in the future so request on the day or a within a few weeks of expiry. Click below
Self certification
You do not need to see the doctor or have a sick note from your doctor for any illness lasting less than 7 days but rather can self certify. This should be accepted by your employer. Download the form below from HMRC website.
If you are in hospital as a patient then please ask the doctors there to give you a medical certificate. Listed below is a summary of what type of sick notes you need to get when you are ill. For more information on sick notes visit gives a good overview
Sick Notes
The first 7 days
If you are off work for up to 1 week (5 working days) you do not need a sick note from your GP. You can either write a letter to your employer or, if you prefer, there is a form called a Statutory Sick Pay Form or Employees Statement of Sickness (form SC2). These forms should be accepted by your employer. If your employer insists of a sick note from your GP for less than 7 days absence then your GP maybe able to offer a private letter at a charge of £15.
After 1 week
Once you have been off sick for more than one week you can obtain a sick note from a doctor. The first appointment may be needed face-to-face with your doctor. However if you have proof of your absence i.e. hospital letter or AE attendance, then a sick note may be obtained from the surgery through reception. The GP may wish to contact you by telephone.
Renewal of a sick note
If you have a continuing problem and you have already received a sick note from the GP, simply request for a renewal with the receptionist or request it online who will inform your GP. You do not need to book an appointment. Your GP may organise a telephone consultation with you and be able to issue a certificate without needing to see you
Back dating a sick note
It is possible for a sick note to be back dated so you do not need to be seen urgently or on the day that your sick note expires. It can be issued at a later date and back dated at the doctor’s discretion. A doctor may also extend a sick note without you being seen again. A request for another sick note can be made by telephoning your doctor's personal assistant or asking one of the reception staff. However if you are requesting for a sick note for the first time and you need it back dated to a time you were not registered or have no evidence of health seeking behaviour i.e. A/E, walking clinic, hospital letter then it may not be possible to issue one.
Forward dating a sick note
It is not possible to give a sick note in the future ie requesting a sick note before its time. This is because the computer system nor national guidance permits sick notes dated to start in the future. Often the practice will ask you to request for a sick note on the day, or a few days after, the previous sick note has expired and a new one can be provided if clinically justifiable or indicated
Private Certificates
Sick notes from the doctor are normally free of charge (unless you request a duplicate or replacement sick note). However, if you require a private sick note and have been absent from work for less than five days, there is a charge of £15.
Duplicate sick notes
If you are requesting for a duplicate sick note that has already been issued then there can be a fee for this service.
Sick notes covering period of stay in hospital and expected recovery time
It is the responsibility of the hospital staff to issue sick notes for a period of stay in hospital and the ‘expected’ recovery time afterwards. This certificate should be obtained before you are discharged from hospital.